Monday, July 21, 2008

Gore's Challenge

Who is Al Gore?

Albert Arnold Gore, Jr (born March 31, 1948) is an American enviormental activist, author, public intellectual, businessperson, former politician, and former journalist. He served as the forty-fith Vice President of The United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton. Gore later ran for President against George W. Bush, and unfortunately lost. He went on to win multiple awards, for his movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," a film about the crisis of Global Warming. Including an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize.

Al Gore recently made a speach about crisis in America and the world. The speach discusses many crisis, shocking facts about these crisis, and possible solutions to these crisis. Gore speaks about increasing gas prices, the increase of electricty rates, economic crisis, enviormental (climate crisis) crisis and national security crisis. and more.

"Distinguished senior business leaders are saying that this is just the beginning. The climate crisis is getting worse quicker than predicted."

"The economy is in terrible shape; people are hurting, gas prices are being increased and so are electricity rates, jobs outsourced, home mortgages in trouble, banks, automobile companies. Institutions we depend on are undergoing pressure."

Shocking facts on crisis in America and throughout the world:
-75% chance that within only 5 years the entire north polar icecap will completely disappear during the summer months. This will further increase the melting pressure on Greenland.
-The Jacob Chlavin Glacier is losing 20 million tons of ice everyday. That’s equivalent to the amount of water used in a years time NYC.
-For every 1 degree increase in temperature, lightning strikes will go up another 10%
-Enough solar energy falls on the surface of the Earth every 40 minutes to meet 100% of the enire worlds energy needfs for a full year.

Solutions for the crisis:
-End our reliance on carbon based fuels
-Use solar power, wind power and geothermic power

After listening to Al Gore's speach I am convinced that not only would have the United States of America would've been much different in a positive way, but the whole world as well, had Al Gore been elected president when he ran against Bush in 2001. I feel that now that he has a lot of attention on him after winning those awards for "An Inconvienent Truth" and giving this speach, he should have ran for president this term. I feel things would be a whole lot better if Al Gore was the president of the United States.

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